J.D. Power and Associates Reports:
Highly Satisfied Customers of Window and Patio Door Brands Tend to Be Less Influenced by Price than
Are Customers with Lower Satisfaction
Simonton Ranks Highest in Overall Satisfaction with Windows and Patio Doors for a Third Consecutive Year.
WESTLAKE VILLAGE, Calif.: 13 June 2012 —Window and patio door customers of brands with high levels of customer satisfaction most frequently cite professional recommendations, quality and their own past experience with purchasing windows as the key drivers in their purchase decision. This is a sharp contrast to brands with lower levels of satisfaction that are primarily selected based on price, according to the J.D. Power and Associates 2012 Windows and Patio Doors Satisfaction StudySM released today.
Now in its sixth year, the study measures satisfaction among customers who purchased new windows or patio doors based on performance in six factors (listed in order of importance): ordering and delivery; operational performance and durability; price paid for products and services received; appearance and design features; warranty; and repair/replacement.
The study finds that while price is the primary driver of customers’ overall window purchase process (16%), there is relatively less focus on price among customers purchasing from brands with high levels of satisfaction. Highly satisfied customers (satisfaction scores of 795 and above) generally value the brand’s positive reputation or quality and recommendations from their contractors, family, friends and colleagues when shopping for windows.